Rust specialization with cpp specialization
Before introducing specialization on rust, Let’s remind template specialization on cpp. Template specialization on cpp Scalar type How can we get scalar type’s size? Scalar type’s size is fixed at...
Introduce unit & benchmark test on rust
Rust Modern system programming language Designed for performance and safety, especially safe concurrency Similar to Modern C++, but can guarantee memory safety Using a borrow checker to validate references Achieves...
Serialization and Marshalling
직렬화(Serialization)는 형변환이다. 데이터를 파일로 저장하거나, 네트워크를 통해 전송 하려면 약속된 형태로 변환해야 한다. 네트워크를 통해 데이터를 보내려면, 송신부는 데이터를 바이너리 스트림로 변환하여 네트워크 장치를 통해 전송한다. 수신부는 바이너리 스트림을 수신하면...
Asynchronous programming on Rust
In order to fully understand Asynchronous Prgramming, it’s better to know below keywords. Sync, Async Blocking, Non-blocking IO Preemptive, Non-preemptive Concurrency, Parallelism Thread vs Async Thread Thread works preemptive way....
Extensible abstract factory pattern, c++
This post introduces extensible abstract factory pattern. It is assumed that you know the basic factory pattern and CRTP pattern. The sample code is written by c++14. The main disadvantage...