Analyze some osquery headers

Osquery 4.0.0 is released on Jun 29, 2019

Because of its complexity, there is many cycle dependency between the headers. (registry, event, logger, registry … logger).

Let’s look at some of the detachable headers. The other headers are tangled too much. Below are the basic utilities.

osquery/ suffix is omitted for conciseness.

utils/error/error.h 1. Represent error code.
2. Convert enum class to error class.
3. Provide helper function for #2.
utils/conversions/to.h 1. Conversion either scoped or unscoped enum value to std::string of human readable representation.
2. Use “boost::core::demangle” to get symbol name(Enum Class).
utils/expected/expected.h 1. Utility class that should be used in function that return either error or value.
2. Expected enforce developer to test for success and check error if any.
utils/status/status.h A utility class which is used to express the state of operations.
utils/json/json.h 1. Provide a small wrapper around constructing JSON objects.
2. This is made of rapidjson internally.
core/sql/row.h 1. A single row, type from a database query.
2. Provide conversion between a Row and a JSON document.
core/sql/query_data.h 1. The result set returned from a osquery SQL query.
2. It’s just a vector of Rows.
3. Provide conversion between a QueryData and a JSON document.
core/sql/table_row.h 1. Interface for accessing a table row.
2. Include “sqlite.h”
core/sql/table_rows.h 1. Provide conversion between a TableRows and a JSON document.
2. TableRows is a vector of TableRowHolder.
core/plugins/plugin.h 1. Plugin is a item of registry.
2. A request is a thrift-serializable object.
3. A response is optional but the API for using a plugin’s call is defined by the registry.
4. Plugins act by being called, using a request, returning a response.
5. Convert TableRows object to a PluginResponse.

Usage details


enum class TestError {                                                                     
   SomeError = 1,                                                                           
   AnotherError = 2,                                                                        
const auto msg = std::string{"Error message."};
auto err = osquery::createError(TestError::AnotherError) << msg;
// err.getErrorCode() == TestError::SomeError
// err.getMessage() contains "TestError[2]"(AnotherError) and "Error message."


enum class En {
  First = 1,
// to<std::string>(En::First) == "En::First[1]"


enum class TestError { SomeError = 1, AnotherError = 2 };
// return Expected object
Expected<std::string, TestError> function() {
  if (${expression})
    return "ok";
    return createError(TestError::SomeError) << "one more error message";
// usage
auto result = function();
if (result) {
  use *result
} else {
  switch (result.getErrorCode()) {
    case TestError::SomeError:
      // do something with it
    case TestError::AnotherError:
      // do something with it


osquery::Status foobar() {
  auto na = doSomeWork();
  if (na->itWorked()) {
    // return Status::success();
    return osquery::Status(0, "OK");
  } else {
    // Status::failure(1, "Some proper error message.");
    return osquery::Status(1, "Some proper error message.");
// usageprovides a small wrapper around constructing JSON objects.
auto s = foobar();
if (!s.ok())
  // do something
  // s.getMessage() == s.toString() == "Error message"
  // s.getCode() == 1


auto doc = JSON::newArray();
  auto obj = doc.getObject();
  size_t value = 10;
  doc.add("key", value, obj);
  int value2 = -10;
  doc.add("key2", value2, obj);
  int64_t value3 = (uint64_t(1)) << 48;
  doc.add("key3", value3, obj);
  double value4 = 3.14159265359;
  doc.add("key4", value4, obj);
size_t value = 11;
// doc.toString(result) ==
//      "[{\"key\":10,\"key2\":-10,\"key3\":281474976710656,\"key4\":3."
//      "14159265359},11]";
// JSON::valueToSize(doc.doc()["key"]) == size_t{10}