qxx (Query++, type-safe query builder)

QXX (Query++, type-safe query builder)

Header Technique brief
column.hxx Capture member pointer of struct
type.hxx, condition.hxx Distinguish type in differenct scope and make type-safety
table-impl.hxx, database-impl.hxx Hold differents types
tuple-helper.hxx. table.hxx, database.hxx Iterate tuple with closure
expression.hxx, condition.hxx Define expression and conditions

Capture member pointer of struct

struct Person {
	int id; // int Person::*
	int age; // int Persson::*
	std::string name; // std::string Person::*

Distinguish type in differenct scope and make type-safety

// g++ main.cpp -std=c++11
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>

/* Person
|int | int | string |

struct Person {
	int id;
	int age;
	std::string name;

struct Animal {
	int id;
	int age;
	std::string name;

template<typename L, typename R>
void compare_between_same_scope(L left, R right)
	if (left == reinterpret_cast<L>(right))
		std::cout << "Two type is same." << '\n';
		std::cout << "Two type is not same." << '\n';

template<typename L, typename R>
void compare_between_different_scope(L left, R right)
	if (std::is_same<L, R>::value)
		std::cout << "Two type is same." << '\n';
		std::cout << "Two type is not same." << '\n';

int main()
	int Person::*personInt1 = &Person::id;
	int Person::*personInt2 = &Person::age;

	int Animal::*animalInt1 = &Animal::id;
	int Animal::*animalInt2 = &Animal::age;

	compare_between_same_scope(personInt1, personInt2);
	compare_between_same_scope(animalInt1, animalInt2);

	compare_between_different_scope(personInt1, animalInt1);
	compare_between_different_scope(personInt1, animalInt2);
	compare_between_different_scope(personInt2, animalInt1);
	compare_between_different_scope(personInt2, animalInt2);

	// false positive
	compare_between_same_scope(personInt1, animalInt1);
	compare_between_different_scope(personInt1, personInt2);

	return 0;

Hold differents types

// g++ main.cpp -std=c++11
#include <iostream>

template<typename... Unpaked>
struct Pack {
	Pack() {}

template<typename Front, typename... Rest>
struct Pack<Front, Rest...> : public Pack<Rest...> {
	using Type = Front;
	using Base = Pack<Rest...>;

	Pack(Front front, Rest... rest): Base(rest...), value(front) {}

	Type value;

// helper method
template<typename... Args>
Pack<Args...> make_pack(Args&&... args) {
	return Pack<Args...>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

int main() {
	struct Data {};
	Pack<> p0();
	Pack<int> p1(2);
	Pack<int, char> p2(1, 'c');
	Pack<int, char, Data> p3(1, 'c', Data());
	auto easy = make_pack(1, 'c', Data());

	return 0;

Iterate tuple with closure

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

template<typename C, typename F>
void for_each(C container, F functor)
	for (const auto& c : container)

// 1. normal function
void normalFunc(int val) { std::cout << val << '\n'; }

int main() {
	std::vector<int> ints {1, 2, 3, 4};

	// 2. function pointer
	void (*funcPtr)(int) = normalFunc;

	// 3. class object
	struct Functor {
		void operator()(int val) { std::cout << val << '\n'; }

	for_each(ints, normalFunc);
	for_each(ints, funcPtr);
	for_each(ints, Functor()); 

	// 4. lambda expression
	for_each(ints, [](int val) { std::cout << val << '\n'; });

Define expression and conditions

struct B1 {
struct D1 : B1 {
    using B1::B1;
// The set of candidate inherited constructors is 
// 1. B1(const B1&)
// 2. B1(B1&&)
// 3. B1(int)
// D1 has the following constructors:
// 1. D1() = delete
// 2. D1(const D1&) 
// 3. D1(D1&&)
// 4. D1(int) <- inherited