Asynchronous programming on Rust

In order to fully understand Asynchronous Prgramming, it’s better to know below keywords.

Thread vs Async


Thread works preemptive way.

| thread A | | thread B |
| -------- | | -------- |
| stmt;    | |          |
|          | | stmt;    |
| stmt;    | |          |
|          | | stmt;    |

Aync (rust)

Asyn works non-preemptive way. If async block wants to give up control and allow other async blocks to run, there are two ways. yield and await.

| async A     | | async B     |
| -------     | | -------     |
| stmt;       | |             |
| stmt.await; | |             |
|             | | stmt;       |
|             | | stmt.await; |
| stmt;       | |             |
| stmt.await; | |             |


The Future trait is core on async/await. Actually rust compiler translates async/await to Future and Combinator.

Future represents a value that might not be available yet. To get the value in future, future should be run on executor. Since rust does not provide default runtime, we should use non-standard crates like tokio, futures.

For primer this example is nice.

use futures::executor::block_on;

async fn hello_world() {
    println!("hello, world!");

fn main() {
    let future = hello_world(); // Nothing is printed
    block_on(future); // `future` is run and "hello, world!" is printed

The example runs hello_world asynchronous way. Since fn hello_world has async keyword, rust compiler translate it Future.

The Async/Await Pattern

Async/await let the programmer write code that looks like normal synchronous code. async turns a synchronous function into an asynchronous function by compiler.

async fn foo() -> u32 {

// the above is roughly translated by the compiler to:
fn foo() -> impl Future<Output = u32> {

await used to retrieve the asynchronous value of a future without needing any closures or Either type.

// async / await
async fn example(min_len: usize) -> String {
    let content = async_read_file("foo.txt").await;
    if content.len() < min_len {
        content + &async_read_file("bar.txt").await
    } else {

// Future Combinator
fn example(min_len: usize) -> impl Future<Output = String> {
    async_read_file("foo.txt").then(move |content| {
        if content.len() < min_len {
            Either::Left(async_read_file("bar.txt").map(|s| content + &s))
        } else {

Under the hood

pub trait Future {
    type Output;
    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output>;

// return value; poll-Poll
pub enum Poll<T> {

The Output specifies the type of the asynchronous value. The Poll enum represents the future’s status that its value is ready or not. The poll() checks if the value is available. If future is not ready its value, it returns Poll::Pending and give up its control. So, other futures can be execute without blocking.

Context is important to improve performance. It has Waker that can notify to executor “I am ready to poll again!”, “I should be polled!”. In other words it allows the asynchronous task to signal that it is finished.

If Context does not exist, executor runs busy-waiting way :( The executor have no way of knowing when a particular future could make progress.


  • Executor calls future.poll()
  • Future returns Poll::Pending or Poll::Ready(value)
  • If future is pending, wake() callback makes it more progress. (re-scheduling)


Executor spawns futures as independent tasks. Task represents top-level future. Executor polls all futures until they are completed. (switch to a different future whenever a future returns Poll::Pending)

There are several scheduling policies (join and block_on …).

If you want to chain futures together, call future’s method.

get_breakfast.and_then(|food| eat(food))

Async with non-blocking

Since default tcp socket works blocking I/O, there are no way to run on single-thread. But we can make it with async + non-blocking I/O :)

1. Make tcp server with non-blocking way
  1-1. async_accept()
  1-2. async_read()
  1-3. async_send()
2. Make tcp client with non-blocking way
  2-1. async_read()
  2-2. async_send()
3. Run tcp server and accept the client with non-blocking
  3-1. If not accepted, yield. (returns Poll::Pending)
  3-2. If accpeted, ready. (returns Poll::Ready)
4. Connect client to server
5. (Client) Request to server
  5-1. Send data from to server
  5-2. Yield
  5-3. Receive data from server
6. (Server) Reply to client
  6-1. Receive data from client
  6-2. Excute server's routine
  6-3. Send data to client
  6-4. Yield
