Setting tensorflow using docker on mac OS

Environment Setting

1. Install docker for mac.

  1. Pull tensorflow image.
      $ docker pull tensorflow/tensorflow

    3-1. Launch a docker container that contains one of the tensorflow images.

      $ docker run -it tensorflow/tensorflow bash

    3-2. Test tensorflow sample code.

      $ python
      >>> import tensorflow as tf
      >>> hello = tf.constant(‘Hello, TensorFlow!’)
      >>> sess = tf.Session()
      >>> print
      Hello, TensorFlow!

Coding with docker container

  1. Code and test on docker.
      $ docker cp ts-guide:/sample
  2. Exit docker.
  3. Save docker image.
      $ docker ps -a  
      $ docker commit b4e3ed4abdc9 ts-guide  
  4. Confirm saved docker image as browser

    Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
    to login with a token: